
STORY | Unisa launches an online secondary school

The University of South Africa is set to introduce a secondary school called Unisa Open School (UOS). It is an online secondary school offering Grades 10 and 11.  This new school aims to expand access to secondary education for learners unable to attend conventional schools. Who should apply? Unisa Open School's intake for the 2025 academic year will commence on 29 July 2024 and close on 30 August 2024.  During its first year, the school will offer Grades 10 and 11, with fees set at R1050 per month per learner for Grade 10 and R1075 per month per learner for Grade 11.  For Grade 10, the maximum 100% fee that must be paid before 31 January of every year is R11 550. An alternative payment option is 11 equal payments (11 × R1 050). For Grade 11, the maximum 100% fee that must be paid before 31 January of every year is R11 825. An alternative payment option is 11 equal payments (11 × R1 075).   The school's curriculum follows the CAPS guidelines and includes innovative subjects

STORY | "Foreplay" does not constitute consent to penetrative sex, SCA rules

The story of Loyiso Coko should be studied by all men because it harbours important lessons for all of us. Loyiso is a young man from Eastern Cape who was employed as a paramedic. While at work he met a university student and they started dating. Let's call this girl X . X was in her early 20s and also a virgin when he met Loyiso. Soon after the relationship started Loyiso and his girlfriend X decided to spend a romantic night together at his apartment. During the evening they engaged in foreplay and kissing before having sex. After the night the couple continued communicating on WhatsApp and they were both concerned about the possibility of pregnancy until Girl X informed Loyiso that she was not pregnant as her "period had arrived". Girl X visited Loyiso AGAIN and for the next months the couple would meet on a social basis before the relationship ended. Three months later, after the relationship ended, Girl X claimed that Loyiso raped her and went to open a case at the p

OPINION | There is a serious disease among Africans: Tribalism

There is a serious disease among Africans that we need to urgently confront: Tribalism. Tribalism is a growing concern in SA and some rotten individuals within the Zulu group are proud perpetrators. While some are advancing tribal politics in a subtle and skilful manner, others are openly and unashamedly running around promoting naked tribalism.  I have no respect for people like Ngizwe Mchunu who goes around beating the drums of tribal chauvinism. He is not alone: Another group in KwaZulu Natal is campaigning on a ticket of creating "an independent Zulu nation". The party says that Zulu speaking people are suffering because they have to share the same space with other ethnic groups. Pure madness!! As we celebrate 30 years of democracy we can learn a lot from Rwanda that is celebrating 30 years since the 1994 genocide. The civil conflict resulted when two groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis, were manipulated to see each other as enemies. The consequences of dividing a unified na

STORY | Penny Ntuli left GagasiFM because she was not being paid well

Penny Ntuli left Gagasi FM because she was not being paid well. This week she announced that she is joining Jozi FM. Jozi FM is a small radio station compared to GagasiFM but it is promising to pay her well. To Penny this move means growth because she is no longer gonna earn a meagre salary of R2800 for her radio talent. The biggest lesson I've learnt from this is that sometimes growth can be found in choosing to downgrade. Many people hold on to toxic environments to maintain "status". We must never stay in places where we are devalued simply because we want to maintain status.  "Emhlabeni asisebenzeli ukubukwa ukuthi sisebenzela kuliphi izinga kepha sisebenzela ukuthi sikwazi ukuphila impilo esiyifisayo". If your today is better than your yesterday then you have grown🙏 

OPINION | Mzansi Magic's new series on Queen Modjadji is a game changer in the ongoing battle for the Balobedu throne

Mzansi Magic recently revealed a new drama series called Queen Modjadji, which is coming soon to our screens. The story is inspired by the world famous Balobedu rainmaker, Queen Maselewane Modjadji l.  Last year I wrote about Khelobedu as a language and the status it has been given by our Constitution as one of the dialects of Sepedi. I personally think that this series should be a reminder to President Ramaphosa that in 2018 he promised to make Khelobedu the 12th official language, a promise that Mandela failed to keep. But what concerns me the most is the timing of this series. The Balobedu people do not have a Queen at the moment. The late Queen's children, Princess Masalanabo and Prince Lekukela, are fighting for the throne.  Princess Masalanabo was only few months old when her mother, Rain Queen Makobo Modjadji VI, died in 2005 leaving behind the young Princess and her elder brother Prince Lekukela Modjadji. As a custom, the royal council proceeded to appoint a regent to look

STORY | Nhlanhla Sizani allegedly tricked the police into believing that he was a UN ambassador

Netflix is the second largest streaming platform in Africa and our country accounts for 73% of Netflix viewers in Africa. Even the top 10 most watched movies in Africa for 2023 were dominated by South African movies. Mzansi is truly an interesting country. Real life continues to be shockingly entertaining here in the South. From Rosemary Ndlovu to Thabo Bester to Matthew Lani: South Africa is a movie!!! Now there is a new story. Nhlanhla Sizani, a 24 year old man from Orange Farm, allegedly tricked the police into believing that he was a United Nations Ambassador and submitted a fraudulent letter with the United Nations logo to the police requesting a police escort to polling stations during the local government elections in 2021. It is alleged that the young man personally received briefings on the country's state of readiness for the elections from SA's most senior security cluster. From 2021 till 2024 he then participated in police activities and events where he took photos

OPINION | Politicians must not be allowed to address congregants #Elections2024

In the lead up to South Africa’s national elections in 2019 our church had a tent crusade in Orange Farm where Dr Mbuyiseni Ndlozi came to give a speech. I still remember that day very clearly. Dr Ndlozi took to the pulpit and started telling congregants that the EFF is red and it symbolises the blood of Jesus Christ. On the same week President Cyril Ramaphosa was scheduled to visit three churches. His deputy at the time, David Mabuza, was scheduled to attend the Easter Sunday Pilgrimage at Moria, Limpopo. South Africa is set to hold its national elections somewhere later this year. The Former President Jacob Zuma has already paid a visit to Shembe's Nazareth Baptist Church in Ndwendwe some few weeks ago. A week before that the ANC NEC members visited churches throughout South Africa as part of their build up activities as they garner support for the elections. While it is normal for churches to open their doors for politicians to address congregants in the lead up to the elections

OPINION | The type of leadership we need in South Africa. Democracy vs Dictatorship

The famous Nhlanhla Lux was on The Panuel  Show some months back and he bodly told Panuel that he believes in the idea of a dictatorship for South Africa. Two weeks ago Mcebo Dlamini was on the David King Studios and he also said that our country needs a dictatorship system. I do not agree with the points made by Nhlanhla and Mcebo regarding dictatorship but i understand where they are coming from with this one. Many of us believe that South Africa is a banana republic and the type of leadership we need right now is someone with a backbone. Someone like Donald Trump. Trump has his own flaws like all of us but you cannot take away the fact that he is decisive in his leadership. The man has a backbone! Few weeks ago The Lincoln Project a leading pro democracy organisation in the United States, posted a political advert labelling Donald Trump as a 666 dictator. This is after a recent interview where Donald Trump told a news reporter that when he takes over government for his 2nd term he i

OPINION | Let's Celebrate The Frontline Workers

Yesterday i was having a conversation with one of my friends and he told me that he was working on Christmas day for the first time in his life. I honestly can't imagine how it feels like to be at work on Christmas day when everyone is at home enjoying with their families.  On Christmas day i went to the mall and i saw the security guards, the cashiers and the cleaners. Outside the mall i saw the petrol attendant doing his job at the petrol station as usual. I remembered that these people have families too!! As we come towards the end of the holiday season i just want to thank all the frontline workers for all the work that they do to meet our day-to-day needs. They put their lives on the line every day and we cannot thank them enough for their bravery and hard work. Let's take a moment today to celebrate everyone who was working during the festive season when many of us were at home with our families. Siyabonga. We thank you and salute you for putting yourself out on the front

OPINION | I need to unlearn a lot of things that i have learnt from "emajiteng"

I grew up around grootmans: guys who were older than me. Every grootman that i met had his own idea of family and it was based on what they believed in, heard or experienced.  Some grootmans taught me to never fully commit to one woman as women cannot be trusted. They gave me all sorts of stories to support the idea that women cannot trusted. Some grootmans taught me to never date one woman because they believe that one woman cannot satisfy a man. Hothwe monna ke mokopu wa naba. Monna ke selepe wa kadimisana. Some grootmans instilled in me a belief that marriage is not something i should aspire for because marriage is an application for slavery. Bare nyala otla nyela. But as i grow order i'm starting to realise that the grootmans i grew up around had different missions in life and they came from different backgrounds. Some wanted to build families while some were simply against the idea of a family. Some preferred serious relationships while some preferred fucking around until they

OPINION | Investing In Basic Skills Can Help Us Fight Unemployment

When the Boers took over this country from the British they did not stop farming to become lawyers and doctors overnight. They understood the importance of farming and continued to build from that. A child of a farmer grew up and became a lawyer/doctor. When we got freedom in 1994 the idea of dismantling Bantu Education was so strong that we closed all teaching and nursing colleges because we were made to believe that these were "BlackJobs" and somehow "low" in the society. Everyone wanted to go to University to get a degree and we forgot even the basic things like owning a bakery, butchery or just a shop. It is only now that we speak about going back to the basics because we see how the Somalians are making millions with their spaza shops, an economy that was once in the hands of our grandparents.  Today everyone wants to study teaching and there is an influx of graduates who are registering for a Postgraduate Certificate in Education simply because we are trying t

OPINION | Orange Farm township displays a clear picture of the state of safety on school premises

I stay in a township south of Johannesburg called Orange Farm. Crime, drugs and gangsterism is the order the day in the area. On friday last week parents were urgently called to Thetha Secondary School to fetch their children from school. This came after the principal received information that a certain gang was on its way to the school to seek revenge from a rival gang.  On the same day i passed by Masibambane College located just next to Orange Farm Eyethu Mall. Masibambane is a top private school in Orange Farm which was founded by Education Africa in partnership with St John’s College. The school is best known for producing 100% pass rate for matric examinations.  I quickly noticed that the school is currently busy with security upgrades. They have installed a typical Clear-Vu fencing that is known to be anti-cut and anti-climb. The fence is also laced with an electric wire on top that maximizes the level of security. This is in addition to a highly reactive security company that i

ANALYSIS | ChatGPT poses a threat to higher education

Last week i was assisting a Unisa student with his assignment and when we ran out of answers he opened "Nova ChatGPT" on his cellphone to seek assistance. The app is best known for its ability to generate answers in response to user input prompts. It generated answers within a minute and it got me feeling concerned with the future of higher education in this age of Artificial Intelligence.  The introduction of generative AI has raised thorny questions about the definition of plagiarism and the future of academic integrity. Unlike in 2001 when Wikipedia was launched, the stakes are a little more complex now because the internet can think for itself.  Asking students questions like: "Tell me in three sentences what is the Krebs cycle in chemistry?" Is not going to work anymore because ChatGPT will spit out a perfectly fine answer to that question.  But there is hope. UNESCO recently gathered more than 40 educational ministers to develop policy guidelines on the use of

STORY | Marriage Bill makes 18 years the legal requirement for marriage #MarriageBill

There is a Zulu song commonly sung at weddings, usually by the bride’s family. The song says “Isencane lengane ubani obengashada emncane kangaka”. Directly translated, it means “This child is too young, who would get married at such a tender age?” By now many of us know a show on Moja Love called Isencane Lengane. The show follows the lives of a young couple, Thando and Siyacela Dlamuka, from KwaZulu-Natal, who got married at the age of 15 and 16 respectively in 2019.  Last week the department of Home Affairs invited us to a ministerial consultative dialogue hosted by the minister Mr Aaron Motsoaledi in Johannesburg. We were there to discuss the Draft Marriage Bill which is currently open for public comment until the end of today (31 August). If passed, among other things, the bill will criminalise any marriage entered into before 18 years. This means that the bill makes 18 years the legal requirement for marriage.  In practical terms it means that if this bill had already been in exis

STORY | Bhasobha Makoti Uya Lanywa #MarriageBill

I have watched many episodes of Mnakwethu and as a curious person i really love this show because it proves to me that "sometimes" Isthembu is just a horny boy's playground.  Hosted by Musa Mseleku, Mnakwethu is an emotional reality show that sees married men introducing polygamy, a potential new wife, to their existing spouses.  Bhasobha Makoti Uya Lanywa!!😅 Last week the department of Home Affairs invited us to a ministerial consultative dialogue hosted by the minister Mr Aoron Motsoaledi in Johannesburg. We were there to discuss the Draft Marriage Bill which is currently open for public comment.  When it comes to polygamous marriages the bill is a game changer. Polygamy is legal but the bill requires a husband in a marriage who wishes to enter into a further marriage to obtain consent from the first wife or wives, as the case may be.  Once consent is obtained the husband is required to make an application to the court to approve a written contract which will regulate