OPINION | Let's give them a second chance

I am in a taxi and this young man sitting next to me is arguing with his fellow school mate who is sitting behind us. A friendly argument. In the process of their argument this young man, probably 15 years old, says to his mate "AWUNG'TSHELI LOKHO"🤣 I looked at him because I know that is Sylvester Mofokeng's famous slogan. Theee Mavesta!! A man with 07 prison escapes. Sylvester's first episode on AgainstTheWall Podcast went viral hitting 1.9 million views in three months. He should be Netflix's next big project "Based on a true story". Sylvester made an appearance at BK Lifestyle Cafe this past weekend and when the astablishment posted his picture on their Facebook page (picture attached) many people in the comments section were asking why we are glorifying criminals as a nation. I think this is a wrong view. People who go through rehabilitation can actually come back to society and become positive individuals. We just have to give them a second ...