FEATURE | Meet Dr Lettah Sikhosana (27), an inspiration to many Unisans

Today as we celebrate Unisa's 150th birthday allow me to tell you about Dr Lettah Sikhosana.

Dr Lettah Sikhosana(27) has a Doctor of Philosophy in Education specialising in environmental education; Masters and honours degrees in education, and a Bachelor of Education in Senior and FET phase, which she obtained cum laude. All these qualifications were obtained through Unisa and she is currently employed as a lecturer at the College of Education (CEDU)

Her father was a truck driver and Sikhosana would raise money by working as a domestic worker on weekends where her mother was employed as a full time domestic worker. #Womandla.

The Messege: Keep Moving Young Person. 

 #HappyYouthMonth #Dare2Dream #Unisa150 


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